Monday, February 21, 2011

Computer Donation Guidelines

Computer Donation Guidelines

Schools serving student populations and located in Jamaica. Your school service territory are eligible for Bridges to Jamaica Computers For Schools program. To qualify, the school must be accredited, and have received fewer than five Bridges to Jamaica donated computers in the past two years. Public and private schools are eligible to participate, but they must meet all of the aforementioned criteria. Donations are made periodically and are subject to equipment availability.

Schools must submit a letter of request to be considered for the Computers For Communities program. The program accepts requests for assistance throughout the year. Letters should be brief (one to two pages), must be submitted on school letterhead, and must contain the following information:

* A description or statement of the school's need for computer equipment.
* A description of how students and teachers will use the computers.
* The kind of equipment the school will accept (e.g., PC computer systems). Please note: we are unable to honor requests for specific computer models or configurations.
* A description of the school's strategic plan or efforts to support technology in the classroom.
* The school principal's name and phone number.
* Any other information you believe is pertinent to your request. In particular, please mention school efforts that focus on the main areas of education Bridges to Jamaica -supports, including:
o Science and math enrichment.
o Family involvement in education.
o Outreach for at-risk, under served student populations.
o Literacy
o College and university Preparation

The above information will be used to assess the soundness and merit of each school's request. Letters should be submitted to:

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